15th of November 2022
During the morning session, we held an activity about creating our own envelopes. In this activity, participants were walking in the room with a piece of paper with their names and a circle (face). As they were walking with their papers each time and when the trainer said "stop", it was simultaneously suggested to draw a specific feature of the face of the participant whose name was on the paper (e.g., eyebrows, eyes, lips). We continued until we had drawn the whole face. In this way, we had a portrait of each participant which had been drawn by various other participants. Afterwards, we put them up on the wall with an envelope underneath which was used to place some "presents'' and nice words for each person.
EXPECTATIONS, FEARS, CONTRIBUTIONS: We asked participants to write in papers their expectations, their fears and their contribution to the training. Afterwards, they were divided into three groups. Each group had to create a poster either with expectations, fears or contributions and present it to us.
During the afternoon sessions, participants had the opportunity to explore our hosting village; Pissouri. They had to complete 12 tasks by walking all over the village. See the implementation of this activity here: https://rediel.webnode.co.uk/tasks-in-pissouri/
16th of November 2022
The morning sessions started with a small presentation about the definitions of diversity and inclusion. We continued with describing the different types of discrimination (e.g., gender discrimination, ableism, class discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, environmental racism, and ageism). It continued with a group discussion about implicit bias. After the different types of discrimination have been introduced, participants have been divided into groups and were given different scenarios, from which they had to come up with a roleplaying scenario. They then had time to implement their scenarios.
The game is a sort of quiz, with the purpose not of seeing who has got it right or wrong. Participants were shown two quotations and asked about the source of the first text and from which country/region of the world the author of the second text comes. Once they have answered the multiple choice question individually, they've been divided into groups to discuss whether they want to change their answers. The purpose of the activity was to demonstrate the importance of history and orientalism and how perspectives change throughout the centuries.

In this session, participants have been given a piece of clay while their eyes were closed. They were instructed to feel, sense and experience the clay with the purpose of reconnecting with its nature. They could then construct whatever they want with their eyes closed. Participants got the opportunity to relax and leave their subconscious minds directing them in their artistic creations. They had, in this way, the opportunity to discover themselves.
17th of November
In the morning session of the third day, we had a special guest that offered our participants a workshop about how to re-create our favourite neighbours and places for empowerment and inclusion. They worked in groups and then they had to implement some tasks discovering the area of Molos in Limassol.
The multifunctional seaside Park; Molos, which is at the centre of Limassol is considered one of the most beautiful in the Mediterranean basin. Currently, Molos Limassol is a wide promenade framed on both sides with delicate palm trees, where part of the boardwalk is made in the form of small pools. On the Seaside are several wooden piers, which are also places for walking.
The tasks in Molos included questions such as if the multifunctional park is accessible or safe for all groups of users, which social activities are planned there, if all groups of users can participate in these activities, to which extent can the capacity of the infrastructure support those social activities, or what equipment/ infrastructure is missing, etc.
18th of November
Blind Walk in Nature
During the morning sessions of the fourth day, the participants went to the beach to implement some activities about trust and active listening. First, they got divided into pairs. One person from each pair got her eyes blindfolded while the other person was guided. They walked in this way, with the purpose of developing trust and a feeling of diversity and inclusion in nature. Another activity that was implemented was one with active listening, in which half of the participants were instructed to say something important about their lives in their pairs while the other half was instructed to pretend that they were not listening. In this way, one understands how important it is to listen with your body as your bodily movements, eye contact, and other facial gestures play an important role in your partner to trust you and respect you.
In this activity, participants were divided into groups and received worksheets about different types of special needs (e.g., Physical Disability, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Multiculturalism, Autism, DEFICIENȚĂ MINTALĂ ). They had twenty minutes to identify the needs of these different types of special needs. After 20 minutes, one person from each group got and formed a new group. Then participants, in their new groups had another twenty minutes to complete a second worksheet about the summary of the different needs of people with special needs. Each group had then another 15 minutes to focus on a particular summary in order to prepare a presentation of 3 minutes.
19th of November
On the morning sessions of the Fifth day, participants had time to present their homework activity and engage in productive discussions about accessible/inaccessible and diverse/non-diverse locations in their countries. See their work here: https://rediel.webnode.co.uk/pre-activities/
In this activity, participants were instructed to let their subconscious mind guide them to find an element that attracts them. They have been given 45 minutes to explore, and engage in whatever adventure throughout the place. The task was to go alone and only alone as only in this way, they could experience life. This activity was a reference to a younger, maybe childhood version of ourselves, in which we were wandering around without caring about structure, plans, or time. We were living in the present moment. By letting their mind guides them, participants could go around, explore, and experience something stress-free. They could find an element, reconnecting, in this way, with nature, and thus, reconnecting with their inner selves, apart from any implicit bias, discriminatory bias, or superficial layers.
20th of November
On the morning sessions of the last day, participants were been given time to explore different stations and spend their time how they liked. We had drawing, hugging, dancing, karaoke, singing, writing, letter, and observation station. They could also come up with their own station and spend time with the people they wanted, writing posteds or letters to other person's envelopes.