- Create cultural awareness among participants: Prior to each morning and afternoon session, we will conduct energizers in a fun and creative manner to engage participants, as well as some team building activities. Additionally, cultural nights will be held to allow participants to showcase their cultures and traditions.
- Be a Bystander (raise awareness about discrimination): In the activity "Different Wages," each participant will receive a label indicating a particular role. Each person will get paid according to his or her age and sex, as specified in the list of workers' wage rates. The money will be counted out aloud so that everyone can hear and understand how much each person is receiving. Participants will experience discrimination in this way and will comprehend what cannot be expressed in words. Another activity that fosters an understanding of discrimination is "What is Discrimination? " In this activity, there will be a presentation on different kinds of discrimination, explaining ways we can re-establish diversity and inclusion in environmental locations, but also how we can alter society's universally dominating narrative. For the Follow-Up, participants will be divided into groups with each group having to represent a particular kind of discrimination through role-playing. Discrimination in outdoor locations is a very specific niche, which, though, follows the same principle as all forms of discrimination. Thus, activities centred on discrimination will be using examples and literature from this particular niche.
- Diversity and Inclusion: Understanding how discrimination feels will enable participants to unlock their hearts and embrace the concept of diversity and inclusion. Through the activity "Diversity and Inclusion in Molos," participants will have the chance to understand what makes our multifunctional park diverse and inclusive. They will have time to do their own research and draw their own conclusions. Additionally, in the activity "All equal- all different," they will receive quotations or excerpts from key persons around the subject of diversity, inclusion, and discrimination in environmental locations. Participants will have time to discuss, from where the potential author of each quotation is coming from or what she implies. This activity will make them delve deeper into that even if authors are from different cultures, backgrounds, and they use language in a different way, they all want to say the same thing;
- Strengthen innovation and enterprise: Through the various activities, participants will learn to think big, as well as to act big. Each national group of participants will start a project during the preparation phase, which will focus on diverse and inclusive outdoor locations in their local communities. The project will assist them in developing their creative and critical thinking abilities, expressing their ideas within their group. Another activity that will help them become more innovative is "Improvise with natural elements." In this activity, each group or individual should construct something using over 4-5 different natural elements from nature. The purpose of this activity is for participants to experience the diversity that there is within nature. The expected outcome is that participants will create something much better than they initially thought understanding the resources we can extract from nature and how valuable it is. Additionally, in the activity "Our futures," participants will have to think of the ideal, future neighbourhood in terms of diversity and inclusion in their local communities.
- Emotional Awareness and Mindfulness: The narrative of our society that drives discrimination is very subtle, and it requires additional awareness to unravel. In the activity "Emotional Awareness and Mindfulness," participants will get divided into groups and they will discuss deeper levels of discrimination they notice in their daily routines. Another activity is the "Blind-Walk" in nature, during which participants will get divided into 3 groups. The blinded individual will be A, the guide will be B, and the spectator will be C. The objective is for person B to let a blinded individual explore the region. After ten minutes, the positions are switched and then switched again, until each participant has had a chance to experience all of the roles. The objective of this activity is to foster mutual trust and a sense of connection with nature.
Through such activities, participants will understand what discrimination is, embrace the concept of diversity and inclusion, and develop their emotional awareness, boosting their teamwork, self-acceptance, or intercultural communication skills.